Saturday, June 23, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Little Brother!

Two weeks ago, we celebrated the first birthday of our very own Little Brother aka Sawyer. It was a wonderful day that came much faster than I anticipated. Funny how 365, make that 366, days can fly by so quickly!

Sawyer had a great actual birthday which included macaroni and cheese, cake pops, and birthday presents. A few days later, in spite of the heat, we threw a big backyard bonanza and partied it up with our good friends and family. Below are a few pictures from the birthday celebration -

The birthday boy -- officially one year old!

Playing with a new birthday toy.

Give me that cake!


Chocolate and frosting make a little boy happy.

No too much frosting on the face.


Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures that caputre the rest of the party but it was quite a party. We had kids rumpusing in the yard, climbing the fort, and adults playing "corn hole". Cinderella even mopped up our deck at the end of the party! Uncle Gabe, Aunt Kari, and new cousin, Sloane, sorry you missed the party this year. But, we can't wait to join you at your first birthday NEXT year! Thank you to everyone for the phone calls, emails, cards, and gifts. Happy birthday, sweet Sawyer! You're one-derful (cheesy, I know) and we love you SO much.

And, last but not least. Vital stats from our twelve-month appointment with Dr Marc:

Height: 29-1/2 inches, or 50th percentile
Weight: 23 lb 5 oz, or 75th percentile
Head: 46 cm, or 75th percentile

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the last photo with Mom and Dad!!
    Happy first birthday, Sawyer!!
