Monday, February 27, 2017

Would you like to buy some cookies?

Our Mile High Madelyn is a Brownie with some school friends this year. And, as such, she's been selling Girl Scout cookies.

It turns out that her troop is considered a "super troop" because they sold SO. MANY. COOKIES. last year. Last year, the girls averaged 284 boxes each and that is after the two highest sellers' numbers were taken out. Yikes! Needless to say, our house has been taken over by Girl Scout cookies over the past month.

She (we) committed to her selling 200 boxes. It is her first year, after all. She got right on it in terms of selling. Of her inventory, she sold almost 150 boxes which is terrific!

Her troop participates in booth sales at local grocery stores. So far, through three booth sales, she's sold approximately 110 additional boxes. That goal of 200 boxes flew by faster than a road sign at 65 mph! And, she still has one booth sale left to go.

The remaining 45 boxes of cookies are finally off my dining room table and in the corner of the room.

I crafted our very own set of cookie costumes. That's a Thin Mint on the left and a Samoa on the right. They might be cute and look delicious but please don't actually eat them.

We are incredibly proud of Madelyn and how hard she's worked at selling cookies. She is so well spoken, polite, and can quickly add up the price of her customers' cookies. It's no wonder she's done so well this year. Luckily, cookie sales are over in two more weeks and then we get a break until next February. And, the girls can go to Girl Scout Camp with the money they've raised as a troop!