Friday, July 30, 2010


Madelyn has a lot of hair.  (That's no surprise to anyone.)  But, it's now getting pretty long.  The back curls and the front is starting to hang in her eyes.  Griff asked the other day if she needed a haircut to help keep the front out of her eyes.  I immediately answered "No."  We just need to start pulling her hair back.

The trouble with that theory is that takes a wrestling match to get it done.  And, when I'm able to get her hair up, half of the time she'll reach up and pull it out.  Ugh.

So yesterday when I picked her up at daycare, she had this beautiful french braid.  What?!  How is that I cannot get her to sit still for a pony tail but she's more than happy to sit for a french braid.  I tried to take a picture of it for the blog but, go figure, she wouldn't sit still.


  1. Oh Man, I am disappointed at no photo of that cutie pie!
    I never did learn me some French braid skillz!

  2. I wonder if the daycare folks would be willing to french braid my hair - I love a french braid! Hope I get to see Madelyn sporting one someday - how cute.
