Monday, March 12, 2012

Nine Months Old

Height: 28-3/4 in, or 70th percentile
Weight: 20 lbs 13 oz, or 70th percentile
Head circumference: 45.8 cm, or 75th percentile

I can...

* Sit up very well.
* Almost crawl. I'm going to take off one of these days!
* Clap.
* Wave.
* Laugh and interact with others. I especially love giggling with my sister.
* Drink from a sippy cup.
* Eat solid foods. My favorites, so far, include bananas, Cheerios, black beans, cheese, and yogurt.
* Stand holding onto something.


  1. What a fine little fellow Sawyer is! I'm so glad he and his Kansas City cousins met this weekend. He looked adorable in his St. Patrick's Day shirt.

  2. His smiles can brighten any room! He and his big sister can play at our house anytime :)
    Don and Susan
