Friday, March 23, 2012

Easter egg hunt (Part I)

Tuesday was the Moms Club Easter Party at St Luke's United Methodist Church. Madelyn, Sawyer, and I took her Easter basket and attended the festivities. The invitation indicated there would be an Easter egg hunt, possibly outdoors if the weather was nice.

We arrived at the party and had a few snacks to kick things off. Then, we visited with some friends and later headed to the bathroom for a potty break. In the bathroom, Madelyn politely asked if she could have a cupcake when we got back to the party. Since she was polite, and had been VERY good about not helping herself to the table full of sweets, I agreed.

We finished up in the bathroom and headed back to the party. As we crossed the hallway, we saw all the other children, with their picnic baskets, headed outside for the egg hunt. Ever the competitive one, I said, "Get your basket! They're headed outside!" Madelyn ran to our table, grabbed her basket, and ran to catch up with the other kids. Normally, at these events, she doesn't stray too far from my side. Not this time. She was not about to be left out of the Easter egg hunt.

By the time Sawyer and I caught up with everyone outside, Madelyn was already running from egg to egg, scooping them up, and putting them in her basket. Fortunately, she was wearing a bright pink shirt so she was easy to see. It's amazing how age makes you a good Easter egg hunter. Oh, and practicing last weekend at the Noltemeyer's didn't hurt either! At three years old, she was one of the older children at the party. Needless to say, she cleaned up. When the egg hunt was finished, Madelyn continued her pursuit by checking behind bushes and under rocks. (Thanks, Uncle Matt!)

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures. Between holding Sawyer and the excitement of the egg hunt, I had no chance. I don't recall the final count of eggs she collected but she did well. She (we) are still enjoying the candy she collected on Tuesday. Last year for Easter, we only hid a dozen eggs. This year, might we need two? Or, maybe more?

1 comment:

  1. You will need lots of eggs! Madelyn is the champ at finding them!
