Sunday, April 16, 2017

All it took was a little hail.

June 6, 2016, hail storm damage repair is complete.

Among all our other repairs -- new roof, new windows, paint, etc -- the pergola was rebuilt and painted last Fall. Last weekend, Griff hung my patio lights, a Christmas gift from Uncle Jerky, and VOILA! The pergola and deck are ready for primetime.

We inherited the pergola when we bought this house six years ago. I wasn't sure about a pergola at first but, as it turns out, it's nice and really makes our deck usable. However, like a number of things we inherited with this house, it was built but not right.

Pre-hail storm, the top slats were rotting and beginning to fall out in small blocks. Post-hail storm, the pergola was shot. There was no repairing it. But, because our pergola had an obvious pre-existing condition, the insurance adjuster would only pay for half of the total repair needed. So...we ponied up the rest and had it rebuilt right.

And, it's awesome.

If you need us this Summer, we'll be on our deck chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool.

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