Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Spring break, no wait. It's another snow day.

Griff was in San Francisco for work. The kids are on Spring Break but had a scheduled day of fun at Mrs Olson's house. Mrs Olson is Sawyer's teacher. Madelyn had her for preschool two years ago. We love her and when a day of fun with Mrs Olson was up for auction at the BENefit Bash last November, we couldn't not jump at the chance. I was looking forward to it as it would give me the opportunity to sneak in my required 5 mile training run.

However, I woke up to this.

I swear this is snow day number 18 of the year. Day of fun at Mrs Olson's was postponed a day and we'd be staying home. Rats...

So, we dyed Easter eggs. I only had a dozen but a dozen sufficed. We'll do more later this weekend after Griff gets home tonight. Oh, wait... Now, the airport's closed. When is he coming home?!

Our eggs are pretty. We only lost one. Sawyer dropped it on the floor.

The snow is pretty too although the magnitude of it isn't done justice by this picture. Every hour or so, I had to tap off the screen on our sliding glass door to let in what little natural light there was. The pergola had become a solid roof with all the wet snow up there.

Our poor pine tree! I shook off the branches in the morning and a second time later in the afternoon. I don't love this tree but I sure don't want to lose it. You can actually see how dark it is as a result of the pergola "roof".

Oh - But I did have a chance to Konmari fold a few drawers during the afternoon while the kids watched a movie in the basement.

Finally, around 300P, we went out front. I wanted to clear the driveway and the kids have never shied away from an opportunity to play in the snow. Never.

This picture doesn't even begin to show how much snow there was. My guess is we had 18" at the end of the driveway. The further down our driveway I shoveled, the deeper the snow became. Our neighbor's snow blower was jamming up the snow was so deep. Thankfully, he and another neighbor helped me finish clearing the driveway. And, the kids played and played.

Of course, we had hot cocoa after coming back inside. I contemplated adding a little Kahlua to mine but decided against it.

This little snow trooper couldn't even finish his snack without falling asleep. He was patiently, so patiently waiting for hot cocoa. Needless to say, by the time I woke him up, his hot cocoa was no longer hot. And...he was grumpy but that nap was needed.

Griff can't get back to Denver until Saturday. BUT, he was able to get routed to San Diego where he'll spend a few days on Coronado with his dad. Hopefully, he can see Uncle Jerky and family as well as a few friends while he's "stuck" but there are much worse places to be stuck than in beautiful San Diego.

I hope you all survived the March blizzard without major incident and are digging out!

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