Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fear and excitement.


This morning's alarm clock came earlier than expected when our smoke detectors went off at 4:30. No, it wasn't one smoke detector chirping because it needs a new battery. Every alarm in the entire house was going off. It was awful.

Griff grabbed the womping stick from under the bed, thinking at first that it was the security alarm. Not knowing what was going on, I got dressed to leave the house and gathered kids. The three of us went downstairs to put on shoes while Griff checked the whole house. And found nothing.

An hour later - It was probably just 4 or 5 minutes - the alarms stopped.

I told Griff I would feel better if we called 9-1-1 and just asked them about it. So, I did. I stressed that it wasn't an emergency but we didn't know why the smoke detectors sounded for so long this morning. They said they'd send the truck over to walk through our house.

Relative tangent to the story: Sawyer is OBSESSED with fire trucks and everything firefighter. He loves his Fireman Sam DVD and always requests Fireman Sam whenever Madelyn and he are getting a show. Last weekend, at the picnic in Aunt Shelley's neighborhood, the Denver Fire Department came by and (gently) sprayed people with water as it was SO hot that day. Madelyn and he played "white firetruck spraying you" for quite a while that evening. There is a fire station (Station No 18) less than a mile from our house. We toured it in April and he always requests to "see firetrucks" when we drive by because I have so much pull in whether the fire station doors are open or closed and if the trucks are in or out. For his birthday in June, we gave him a framed picture of our fire station with the hook and ladder parked out front. It hangs on the wall right beside his crib.

As we waited for the firefighters this morning. I could see both fear and excitement in Sawyer. Excitement because the fire truck was coming! And, because it was not quite 5:00A, we could hear the truck coming down the street behind us (without sirens, thankfully) and making it's way to our house. To make a story that's becoming longer than necessary shorter, Sawyer was definitely scared when the fire truck pulled up and the firefighters came inside.

The firefighters explained some things to Griff and I about smoke detectors. Basically, without smoke and the alarms having stopped, we have to wait until next time (Yay!) to figure out which one is malfunctioning. Yadda yadda yadda. We also determined, between the two of us, that it was probably the humidifier in Sawyer's room which had generated too much moisture with his door closed and subsequently set off the alarms.

No one went back to bed. Later, Griff told me that he thought it probably was a good idea the firefighters didn't walk through our whole house. If they had seen the framed picture of their truck in Sawyer's room, they might have thought we were crazy firefighter fans who had called in the middle of the night just to have them stop by. Yep, I'm sure that's exactly what they would have thought!

Hopefully we can avoid any more false alarms. And, hopefully our next encounter with the fine folks from Station No 18 will be at a fire station tour or when they visit school again in the Fall.

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of excitement for one day! What a relief it wasn't a real emergency but now you have had your fall fire drill! Sounds like calm, cool heads prevailed. I don't know if I could have remained calm and gathered shoes for kids with all that racket!!
