Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013 Platte River Half Marathon: Check.

The ladies of Team Anderson finishing the Platte River Half Marathon.
April 7, 2013

My time wasn't as fast as the Colfax Half Marathon last year BUT I still completed it. And, for the most part, I achieved all my race goals. I don't set a hard and fast time goal but rather several goals. Some are measurable and others are subjective. This way, even if I don't set a personal best each time, I'm not disappointed and can still appreciate all that I did accomplish. (Maybe I should have been a psychologist or therapist instead of accountant.)

The Platte River Half Marathon starts in old Littleton and follows the Platte River Trail north to 8th Ave. From there, it crosses over I-25 and all the railroad tracks and finishes at 10th and Osage near the Buckhorn Exchange. Most of the race is on a slight decline except for the last 1-1/2 miles.

After coming down the overpass at mile 13 and returning to flat ground, I noticed a sign off to my left. Someone had made a sign for their friend, Mollie, and I remember thinking, "Hey, her name's spelled like mine. That's cool." When that group started jumping and hooting and hollering, that's when I realized the Mollie on their sign was referring to me! Shelley and friends had made an awesome sign "Mollie, P-P-P-Push it!" and were quite the cheering squad. For some reason, I was so surprised to see them at that point but still happy and grateful. Thanks, Shelley and friends!

Another block or so later, I recognized a curly haired girl sitting on her father's shoulders. I also recognized the girl's father along with her younger brother. It was my family! When I got close enough, I said, "Want to come with me?" and Madelyn hopped down off Griff's shoulders and ran the last two blocks with me. Thank goodness she wore her running shoes that day! It was a real treat to finish with her. I think she was very proud of herself as she proceeded to wear the finisher's medal all day. And, she enjoyed the post-race expo including apples, playground time, and ice cream bars immensely. Everyone enjoyed the Light Rail ride back to the car especially Sawyer.

I'll likely wait until Madelyn's in kindergarten and Sawyer's in preschool to do my next half marathon. That's really not even that far away. Who knows? Maybe I'll get up the courage to do a full marathon...or maybe not. At any rate, I'm enjoying exercising again for fun instead of following a rigorous training schedule while juggling preschool, sicknesses, and uncooperative Spring weather that acts more like Winter.

Congratulations to Teresa Bauerle on running your first half marathon! I'm happy to have been a part of it with you. :)