Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Sawyer had his second haircut on Sunday. Having not been thrilled with his first one, I didn't really like the salon/stylist or the cut, I took him to Floyd's where Griff gets his hair cut.

Let's just say, Sawyer was less than cooperative. He had to sit in my lap in the chair and neither a pacifier nor unlimited access to the cell phone kept him from squirming and reaching up at the stylist. However, ten minutes later, or however long it was, he had a fresh haircut and was good as new.

We will likely try Floyd's again for him. It's a nice salon and his hair looks very cute. And, best of all, I can see his eyes once again!


  1. The eyes have it. Haircut pic?

  2. Fathers and sons for generations went to Gus in our neighborhood and Matt was no exception. Maybe Floyd's will be for you like Gus was for decades to the south end young men as they joined the Brotherhood of Manhood. Matt enjoyed going with Daddy once a month. I hope Sawyer begins to like it, too.
