Sunday, April 15, 2012


Sawyer was born with a head full of hair just like Madelyn. However, unlike his big sister, he doesn't get to keep his hair long and flowy. When he was really little, I remember discussing the over-under odds on him getting his first haircut by eleven months. Well, if you chose under, you won.

Buckled into the fire engine and ready to go. Spirits are high.

Munching on a few yogurt melts while the audience watches.

One last look at those beautiful locks.

"Just a little off the top and around the ears, please."

So much hair to trim. 

Almost done. 

The crowd goes WILD.

All done. So handsome and all smiles!


  1. Love it! Perfect style for him :)

  2. He is SO darling. Just love that smile and his haircut is very handsome. Also love your caption for Madelyn, "and the crowd goes wild!"
