Friday, October 28, 2011


This morning, Madelyn, Sawyer, and I went on a field trip to the Museum of Nature and Science.

On our last visit, we were introduced to the Discovery Center.  This room is awesome.  It's all about fun Mr Wizard-style science tricks children can experience themselves.  While I didn't capture two of Madelyn's favorite activities in the room -- the dancing stage and the floating scarves -- I was able to get a few of them.

"I made an elephant!" Check it out. It actually does look like an elephant.

Archaeologist in training.
She has the dig guide out as well in order to help her identify the fossils she uncovers.

Sometimes I'm not fast enough to get her picture.
However, she was moving very fast in the animal section and yelling, "Mommy! Look at this!"

There's no moose-ing around. This guy's BIG.

Possibly one of my favorite views of Denver.

Ha! I caught her!

I've told Griff (again) that he needs to come to the museum some time with us. Now, the travelling exhibit is "T. Rex Encounter: You vs Sue the T. Rex." They've got robotic dinosaurs which use face recognition technology!  Does this mean the dinosaur might actually eat one of us?  And, something tells me Griff would enjoy the space exhibit much more than me.

At any rate, the museum is awesome and we had a great day.


  1. We have got to make it there, we've never been!

  2. Love these photos and what a great painting of an elephant.
