Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It's fun watching Madelyn try new foods.  Some she really likes (bananas), others not so much (ground beef).  At any rate, her palatte is developing.

On Sunday, we enjoyed turkey burgers, baked beans, and corn on the cob for dinner.  Madelyn helped Griff de-husk the corn and there was a discussion about this is "what they mean when they talk about Cornhuskers"...sort of.  Madelyn doesn't really like burgers yet so she had leftover chicken bites from the night before instead of burger.  She ate her chicken bites and baked beans well.  But, the corn?  No.  The few kernels that went in were promptly taken right out of her mouth.

As Griff and I ate our dinners, she looked longingly at our corn cobs.  So, Griff held his corn cob up to her mouth.  I wish I had a picture or video because it was the sweetest, cutest thing!  She ate corn on the cob!  When Griff's corn was finished, she looked at mine.  So, I ate what I wanted then gave the rest to her.

If only Madelyn's Nebraska relatives could have seen, they would have been so proud of our little Cornhusker!

1 comment:

  1. What a corny little tale, Mollie. Perhaps Madelyn would like a veggie burger ... they are made of corn, right?
