Saturday, April 10, 2010


The time has come for censorship.  We've always watched what we say around Madelyn from the beginning.  Not that our language is that horrible but it's just easier to start early.  A friend of mine used to joke that her daughter was likely going to be the first child kicked out of pre-school for bad language due to her husband's lack of censorship.

At any rate, Madelyn is now repeating sounds and words.

Last night we read Love & Kisses before bed.  It's one of my bedtime favorites.  In the book, the little girl kisses her cat and then the cat kisses a frog, etc etc, until the kisses all come back to her.  At one point, a red-winged bird kisses a cow who laughs a great big "Moo!"  When we got to that part, I did the obligatory "Moo!" and Madelyn repeated.  She "Moo!-ed" a few more times until the book was done. It was really pretty sweet.

This afternoon, she and I were leaving the house to run errands.  We were at the steps putting on shoes when Felix hopped up on to the buffet in the dining room.  I yelled at him from across the room, "Felix, get down!" and Madelyn promptly followed up, "Get down."  I tried to get her to say it again but she wouldn't repeat it a second or third time.

I'm happy to have her mimic cow moo's and Felix disciplining.  Let's hope we continue down this path instead of the alternative.

On a side note, Madelyn's few words, that she says on her own, right now include: kitty, daddy, dog, all done, hi, and bye bye.  Dr Noah was pleased with her vocabulary at Thursday's 15-month check up.


  1. Hooray for Madelyn!! I can't wait for the boys to talk and run around with her this summer sometime, they'll be so amazed that she isn't a baby anymore!

  2. Madelyn is learning the power of words.
    You are, too! ;)
    The path is never easy, but praise to the parents who try every day!

  3. How exciting! Pretty soon she'll be talking all the time.
