Friday, May 8, 2009

Tummy time

Little Miss Muffet is no fan of tummy time. Fortunately, and unfortunately, one of her day care instructors, Ann, is a strong believer in tummy time and doesn't take no, or Madelyn's protests, for an answer. Our daily discussions involve tummy time.

On Tuesday, when I arrived to pick her up, I was told she was mad at Ann for all the tummy time. To be fair, I don't honestly envision her being forced to lay screaming on her stomach all day long. I know they stop when she's truly had enough. But, I do know that when we used to practice at home, she would only last 5-10 seconds. However, that was when she was younger and not as strong as she is now. (Now she can stand, bearing some weight on her legs if we hold her!)

At any rate. each day they tell us how she's doing so much better at tummy time. We even practice at home now, too, and she is getting better. The expression on her face while she lays there with her head up, looking around, is just the cutest. I'm told she'll be rolling over in no time...just hopefully not off the changing pad so Mom and Dad won't have to learn that one the hard way!


  1. I'll bet she will love tummy time when she does roll over there all by herself. She just doesn't want to be told what to do already!

  2. Has Dad been modeling an appropriate tummy time regimen? Could be part of the issue ...

  3. I vote for a "modeling Dad" post soon.

  4. Dad's a little big for the Boppy but I'll see what I can arrange.
