Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Six months old!

Vital stats from our appointment with Dr Marc -

Height: 26-1/2 in, or 55th percentile
Weight: 17 lb 14 oz, or 55th percentile
Head: 44 cm, or 80th percentile

I can...

* Sit unassisted
* Laugh, coo, gurgle, and say "bah"
* Interact with my big sister
* Roll front to back and back to front.
* Hold an object with my hands and pass it from hand to hand
* Flirt with anyone who'll give me the chance

So, this post is almost a month late BUT better late than never! Happy six month birthday, sweet boy. How did six months go by so quickly?!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6 month birthday, Sawyer. You bring so much joy to our lives and we love you very much!
    Grammy and Grandad
