Thursday, July 21, 2011

Guess who?

Let's play a fun little game and see if you can guess which baby is which.  Madelyn or Sawyer?  Or, is it multiple pictures of the same baby?

Seriously, which is which?!


  1. Yes, Madelyn bottom left, Sawyer bottom right. I'm not sure about the top, it's hard to see those faces!

  2. Madelyn on left and Sawyer on right both sets of photos. Really, I'm not sure. I just like to comment ;)

  3. Darn, I'd like to think I can tell my niece from my nephew. I'm going to guess Madelyn on the left in both sets.

  4. Answers.
    Top row: Madelyn left, Sawyer right
    Bottom row: Sawyer left, Madelyn right

  5. Shelley: don't feel bad. I would like to think I can tell my children apart, but I had to cheat on this test. Sawyer had a different blanket than Madelyn, and they took their first baths in different tubs.
