Friday, March 28, 2014

Pool time!

One of our favorite things about the Westin Kierland - there are many to choose from - is the swimming pool. Last year, the weather was overcast and cool for two of our three days which is very unusual for Arizona. Not so this year! We had 70 and 80 degree weather with clear skies the whole time and it was great.

Saturday and Sunday mornings, we spent a nice chunk of time swimming, floating in the lazy river, and riding the water slide. Poppie really enjoyed the lazy river while Madelyn couldn't get enough of the water slide.

After her first trip down with Griff, she said, "I want to do that one or two...or maybe five more times!" In all, she went down twice with Griff and a handful of times with me. She would have ridden it more but it was getting close to lunch time and In N Out was calling.

Playing with a new circus elephant pool toy.

Poolside in the shade.

Lazy river time.

Happy girl.


Without sounding like a commercial, I have nothing but good things to say about the Kierland. It's the perfect place for a young family or an old family or a couple to vacation. Great location, beautiful hotel and grounds, excellent service...and delicious s'mores.

Rockies pre season game

Day two of our Spring break trip to Arizona included a Rockies pre season game at Salt River Fields against the LA Angels. We sat in the outfield lawn and caught most of the game. We even had a spot of shade which stayed with us throughout most of the afternoon. The weather was perfect and the company was good. Rumor has it, the Rockies even pulled off a victory.

Meeting Dinger. No tears here!

Post ice cream mustache. (Can you guess the flavor?) And, a happy boy.

 Tuckered out.

Thanks for the lift, Poppie.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Arizona 2014

We spent Spring Break 2014 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Honey and Poppie came with us this year, too! Our trip lasted three nights -- Friday through Monday -- and we stayed at the Westin Kierland. The weather was terrific this year. No rain! And, once again, the Kierland proved to be an outstanding, accommodating, family friendly resort.

Notable memories include:

* Kids First Class on the airplane.

* Friday and Saturday evening s'mores. Somehow, there was confusion when s'mores weren't available on Sunday. I'm not sure who was more upset - Griff and Poppie or Madelyn and Sawyer.

* Boy bed and girl bed in our hotel room. Madelyn wanted to continue this after our return home but Griff and I vetoed.

* Family breakfast in the club room.

* Trying to sneak up on Honey and Poppie's room only to have our plan foiled by the time we made it down the hall. We don't travel quietly especially when someone has to be first and someone else doesn't agree.

* Pool time. (See post to follow.)

* Child sized Candy Crush throughout the hotel. Or, so Sawyer thought.

* Rockies game. (See post to follow.)

* In N Out. Enough said.

* Cruising around Phoenix six passengers deep in a rented Dodge Caravan. Sooo cool.

Thanks, Griff, for very fun Spring break trip. And, thank you, Honey and Poppie for coming along. We had a great time and made lots of memories that I know the kids will fondly remember.